Matt Gray Fan Communities

I don't have a fan community on Discord, Reddit, Tumblr or anything else. Please do not create one about me, The Technical Difficulties, or on my/our behalf.

Please remember that I am a real human, not a fictional character, and the same goes for me and my friends.

I don't want a place specifically designed to discuss me or my life. While some people who are publicly online have no problem with fandoms and their hyperfocus on everything they do on and off the internet, I am not one of them. I enjoy making things and sharing them with the world, and am very grateful to have those things appreciated. I would rather it be left at that.

This is especially true in fandom communities, where their hyperfocus on topics and culture of one-upmanship mean they regularly end up invading the private lives of real people.

I realise this may not be anyone's intention when thinking of having a Matt Gray Discord, or a Matt Gray subreddit, or a tumblr fanpage. But it's not something I can effectively moderate, and therefore would rather it didn't exist with my name attached to it.

I have had people publicly post parts of not only my personal life on the internet, but also my extended family, my offline friends, and offline colleagues. The fact that there are places where this could happen again makes me feel uneasy.

In most cases where I have asked, the creators/moderators of these pages have deleted them, and for that I am grateful. But they still occasionally pop up. And the worst offenders are always on Reddit, Discord or Tumblr.

While I appreciate the enthusiasm some people may have for my work, I hope you'll understand that my personal life is off-limits. Creating or participating in fan communities that focus on me or my life violates those boundaries, and I kindly ask that this is respected.

  • Please do not set up a page or a community dedicated to me or the Technical Difficulties.
  • If you see people discussing my private life online please remind them that it is not OK.

Thank you for understanding.